Tuesday 11 May 2010


Hi Everyone
i'm back...lolx..
few month ago i didn't update my blog
because of lazy...
recently alot of thing was happened to me
it's made me felt helpless...
anyway i can be strong..
not can but -MUST-
few thing made me headache+helpless+speechless+troubler
everything start from Happy Chinese New Year
be4 CNY,i was car accident but luckly i'm okie with it..
just to repair the car only..
after when we happy happy passing our CNY,
once news fly into my ear and stun me
my second brother was car accident in hospital ICU..
til now...
few month ago, he's stil in half koma situation..
it's really made me helpless+headache+troubler...
my parents go hospital every day...
we facing financial problem also...
cause my grandfather just knock his head and in hospital
use alot of money also..
and we gonna move new house,
because my grandfather can't even take care himself ...
i need to pay the instalment for the house..
everything also money money money...
these few day..
my GAL del all my msn list,some of my phone list and fb list..
be4 he del my phone and fb list..i'm okie with it..
once she del 900plus of my msn contact list..
it's too over..
i lost contact with my primary skul fren,my old fren that i know from internet or gaming..
i really get stuck there...make me speechless...
some of my secondary fren also lost contact...
it's too too too OVER..
this time i won't follow your instruction..
piss me off...
my recently hair style..

-Isaac Takashi-


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